Armor of Faith +3

baldurs gate ii equipment ichan18

Armor – Splint Mail
15 Lore Req: 60
Value: 3500
Armor Class: 1 (-1 vs. crushing, 0 vs. piercing and missile)
Equipped Abilities:
    • Saving Throws: +1
Requires: 8 Strength

Internal Code: CHAN18

How to Obtain:
    • Temple District – Possible reward for completing Sir Sarles quest

Full Description:
This was the armor of Seffer Ekr, and a sign of the goddess Mielikki’s favor. She had rewarded the ranger’s loyalty with the promise that he would never die in battle, and he defied death for many years, holding orcish hordes back from his home forest. A heart attack claimed him when his time was done, not an enemy’s blade.

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