Abyssal Blade

baldurs gate ii equipment ohdisw2h

Two-Handed Weapon – Two-Handed Sword
9 Lore Req: 55
Value: 5000
Damage: 1d10+3, +1d4 fire damage
Damage Type: Slashing
THAC0: +3
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency: Two-Handed Sword
Combat Abilities:
    • +5 slashing damage vs. good-aligned opponents
Equipped Abilities:
    • Dexterity: +1
    • Intelligence: -1
Requires: 14 Strength

Source Version: Enhanced Edition
Internal Code: ohdsw2ha

How to Obtain:
    • Resurrection Gorge – Loot or gift from Xachrimos during Dorn’s companion quest

Full Description:
Forged in the black heart of the Abyss by tanar’ri sorcerers for use in the eternal Blood War, this blade was once wielded by the infamous babau assassin Khazzrax the Gasping Death. Lore tells of a blade, black as the night, that Khazzrax would use to slash his victims open, causing fire to briefly flare out of the fresh wound.

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