Skull Gorge – Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II

This guide will walk you through the Skull Gorge area in Chapter Two and Three of Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II.

1 – Monsters Inc.

Skull Gorge is another place that has a bunch of monsters hanging around solely for the purpose of helping you get to higher levels. Goblins live on the east side of the gorge, while gnolls and trolls live on the west side.

2 – Goblin Cave

If you immediately begin exploring to the east, you’ll find the first of the two goblin caves. Just go in, kill all the goblins, take all their loot and leave the way you came in.

3 – Goblin Cave 2

Take the next east passage as you’re going north and you’ll find another goblin cave. This one is much like the other, except that you’ll eventually find a goblin chieftan. When you’ve taken him out, examine his throne and you’ll find a switch that opens two rooms to the south that you can loot.

4 – Gnoll Territory

After exterminating the goblins on the east side, head across the river. You’ll have to look for a darker colored depression in the dirt to see where to cross. You’ll be on gnoll turf now.

5 – Gnoll Cave

As with the goblin cave, you’ll find the first gnoll cave almost immediately across the river to the west. Again – go in, beat down, take loot, walk out. This will probably be the first time you encounter trolls. As in the other Black Isle Baldur’s Gate games, you have to finish a troll off with fire after you knock it down.

6 – Gnoll Cave 2

Explore south to find the next gnoll cave. There is a puzzle in this cave, so I’ll give it its own link and map.

7 – To World Map

Once you’ve explored all four caves and killed all the creatures in the gorge, exit to the World Map, from either the place you started out from or the exit to the north.

8 – Chapter Three

When you come back to Skull Gorge in Chapter Three, orcs will be chillin’ on the east side. While the entrances to the caves remain in the same places they were in Chapter Two, the caves themselves have changed. Check the links for Orc Cave 1 and Orc Cave Pt. 2 for a full description of what you’ll find in them. Trolls are bangin’ on the west side. The first troll cave doesn’t have any special surprises, so I won’t include a map for it. The second troll cave is exactly the same as the the second gnoll cave, except that this time you don’t have to mess with the statue.

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I love RPGs, MMOs, and weird little indie games. Anything that lets me build and decorate or just has a really good story. I've spent hundreds of hours in Bethesda games and even more time modding them. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft.

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