Lyran’s Hold Observatory – Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II

This guide will walk you through the observatory area of Lyran’s Hold in Chapter Two of Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II.

1 – Orb of Thunder

When you head up the staircase to the north, you’ll find the Orb of Thunder by examining the weather machine.

2 – Sleyvas

You’ll have to fight Sleyvas to exit the Hold. Unfortunately for Sleyvas, you can stand on the steps and beat him without taking much damage. Run back up to the weather machine if he tries to hit you with a spell. When he dies, the other lizard guys do too.

3 – Exit

Either use a recall potion or leave the way you came. Either way, head back to Baldur’s Gate.

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I love RPGs, MMOs, and weird little indie games. Anything that lets me build and decorate or just has a really good story. I've spent hundreds of hours in Bethesda games and even more time modding them. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft.

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