Firewind Dungeons – Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II

This guide will walk you through the Firewind Dungeons area in Chapter One of Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II.

1 – Barely Hidden Lever

Open the cell door to find a lever. Pull it to open the door next to the save point. Doing so will also spawn some skeleton archers.

2 – Another Lever

Go down the hall to the west until you reach a lever at the end. Pull it to open the door.

3 – Not Another Lever

Go north all the way to the end of the hall. Pull that lever to loot the cells on the west side. You’ll have to fight newly spawned skeletons and watch out for a fire pillar you’ve just activated to do so. Head east when you are finished.

4 – Secret Treasure

About halfway down the hall, you’ll find a wall that shoots fireballs. In the area where the fireballs hit is a loose stone that you can use to open a secret door. Head through for some good loot. Continue east to the end of the hall when you are done.

5 – Stop With the Levers

Remember the door to the north with the save point on the other side? The lever at the end of the hall that goes east opens it. Thankfully, it also turns off the firballs that shoot across the hall.

6 – Cellblock

Head north, then east, looting the cells you come across along the way.

7 – Ambush

The room across from the anvil is empty, so proceed to the end of the hall. When you approach the chest, four skeletons spawn.

8 – Pullchain

Head north, then east. You’ll see the exit to the west, but you need to find the lever that opens the door, of course. Before you do, though, investigate the cells on the way. One of the cells on the south side has a pull chain that opens a door on the north side.

9 – The Last Lever

Use the lever at the end of the cellblock hall to open the door to the exit.

10 – Stairs Up

The exit leads to the catacombs. Firewind Manor must be quite a spread if it has a cellar, dungeons, and catacombs.

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I love RPGs, MMOs, and weird little indie games. Anything that lets me build and decorate or just has a really good story. I've spent hundreds of hours in Bethesda games and even more time modding them. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft.

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