

The Gothic Horror Music of Bloodborne GDC 2016 Talk

The folks at GDC have uploaded a talk from SCEA senior music producer Peter Scaturro, composer and orchestrator Penka Kouneva and SCEA music producer supervisor Jim Fowler on the making of Bloodborne’s soundtrack on their official YouTube channel. While I…

Why Gothic is More Believable Than Modern RPGs

Rock, Paper, Shotgun has published a very interesting retrospective on Piranha Bytes’ often underrated Gothic, an open world RPG that I consider a masterclass in economy of design and world-building. It’s the latter that the article concerns itself with, its…

Rediscovering Skyrim’s Greatness

PC Gamer’s Andy Kelly has typed a very flattering retrospective on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that remarks just how well, in the writer’s view, the game stands up to this day. While Kelly has complaints on the quest design…