

SOE’s John Smedley on the Sandbox MMO

Sony Online Entertainment’s president John Smedley has explained what he believes a “sandbox MMO” is, how it differentiates itself from a “content-driven MMO”, and why it’s an overall better idea to produce in a recent blog post. Here’s a snippet:…

Develop’s 100 Studios to Watch LIst

Plenty of RPG studios seems to have ended up in Develop’s “100 Ones to Watch” list for 2014, in no small part thanks to Kickstarter, which propelled developers like inXile and Obsidian Entertainment in the list, though conventionally publisher-funded RPG…

J.E. Sawyer on His Favorite Aspects of RPGs

Obsidian Entertainment’s project director J.E. Sawyer has been on a bit of a video spree lately, with the latest addition to his YouTube channel covering “things he likes” in RPG. The video lasts about 13 minutes and, also according to…

Wasteland 2 Interview

Eurogamer has posted another interview with Brian Fargo, focused exclusively on Wasteland 2, which is about to receive a long-awaited update that will revamp its inventory interface among many other things. Interestingly, he also comments on his relationship with Bethesda:…

Borderlands 3 Apparently not in Development

Considering his track record, I’d take Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford’s word with a barrel of salt, but it’s still worth noting that he told Polygon that Borderlands 3 is currently not in development. According to him, the team wants to…

Risen 3: Titan Lords First Tidbits

Now that PC Games has reached its subscribers, some first, scant details for Risen 3: Titan Lords have been summarized by the World of Risen forums in English. My German isn’t exactly perfect, but I still believe I can do…