

Obsidian Entertainment Working on Armored Warfare

I’m fairly sure the title doesn’t really fall into the scope of our coverage, but considering Obsidian Entertainment is apparently working on it, it deserves a quick mention. Through a brief announcement on Twitter, the US developer announced they’re working…

The Witcher: House of Glass Issue #1 Released

CD Proiekt RED hit us up with a press release to announce the release of the first issue of the Dark Horse Comics’ Witcher comic book series, titled House of Gladd, which is based on the Polish developers’ videogame interpretation…

Ultima VIII: Pagan Retrospective Interview

The good folks at Ultima Codex have interviewed Ultima VIII programmer and designer Jason Ely on the project, which offers some interesting insight on the controversial penultimate main Ultima title. Here’s a snippet: UC: Ultima 8 is notorious for having…

GOG.com Coming to Linux This Fall

Linux users have lamented the fact that GOG.com neglected them for a long time, but it looks like the team at the digital distribution listened: this fall GOG will start supporting releases on Linux. So far, there are plans to support…

Deus Ex: The Fall Released on Steam

Just as Square Enix promised last week, Deus Ex: The Fall has been released on Steam for $9.99 The Human Revolution spin-off was originally released on iOS and Android mobile platforms and was received moderately well by the specialized press.…

GOG.com Revises Regional Pricing Policies

The response to GOG.com’s re-introduction of regional pricing for limited titles wasn’t exactly warm, and convinced CD Projekt’s joint CEO Marcin Iwinski and GOG.com managing director Guillaume Rambourg to to issue a statement explaining how they’ll revise these policies in…

Why Dark Souls II isn’t as Hard as You Think

I missed this earlier, but Videogamer.com published an editorial that attempts to give people intimidated by all the difficulty talk surrounding Dark Souls II a reason to play the title. Here’s a snippet: That’s the thing. To say Dark Souls…