

From Software on Dark Souls II’s Graphics Downgrade

There’s been a lot of talk concerning the graphical quality difference before Dark Souls II’s pre-release materials (which, aside from an overall different atmosphere and larger emphasis on the torch mechanics, showcased a title with significantly higher quality lighting and…

Dragon Age: Inquisition Tidbits

Some new info for Dragon Age: Inquisition recently emerged, courtesy of a preview from printed German magazine Gamestar, from which some BioWare forums users grabbed a handful of new tidbits. Some of the info doesn’t come directly from the magazine…

Pillars of Eternity Interview

The folks at AusGamers chatted with Pillars of Eternity project director J.E. Sawyer at the GDC 2014, and asked him questions concerning the title’s more open development (when compared to publisher-funded AAA projects), its isometric 2.5D visuals and how they…

WildStar Beta Preview

The folks at RPGFan have taken the WildStar beta for a spin and came away with some impressions on Carbine’s upcoming (now dated) sci-fi/fantasy MMO. Here’s a sampling: The Combat. Combat can kill or save an MMORPG. It’s one of…

Wasteland 2 Previews

We’ve rounded up some Wasteland 2-themed previews, all based on, as you might well have already guessed by now, the Steam Early Access build of the title, which has recently seen some substantial improvements in terms of usability and content.…

Borderlands 2 PS Vita Off-screen Gameplay

I wouldn’t blame any of you if you somehow forgot that a PS Vita port of Borderlands 2 is currently in development, but in case anyone is interested in it, AtomixVG has filmed some off-screen gameplay footage at the GDC…