

Transistor Released, Reviews

Transistor has just been released on Steam for $19.99 (or $29.98 in case you buy the edition with the bundled soundtrack) and should be releasing soon for PlayStation 4, and with its release also come the first reviews of the…

WildStar Interview

Computer and Videogames has an interesting interview with WildStar’s executive producer Jeremy Gaffney, which covers a variety of interesting subjects, including raiding, The Elder Scrolls Online’s reception and the decline of the MMO subscription model. Undoubtedly, though, what will make…

King’s Bounty: Dark Side Released on Early Access

It seems like every small-sized game we’re covering lately ends on Steam Early Access before an official release, and King’s Bounty: Dark Side makes no exception. The turn-based strategy title is already available to purchase for the slightly lower than release…

GOG Would Consider an Early Access Program

Speaking with Eurogamer, CD Projekt’s co-founder and joint CEO Marcin IwiÅ„ski explained that an Early Access program similar to Steam’s is not out of the question for GOG, but made clear that, if it ever happened, it would be in…