

Bloodborne TGS Trailer, Release Date

Traditionally, Tokyo Game Show has not been very eventful for us at GameBanshee, but this year we got not only an additional gameplay trailer for Bloodborne, but also its North American and European release date (which would appear to be…

Shadow Realms Video Interview

GamerHubTV has published a video interview with BioWare Austin’s senior producer Dallas Dickinson on Shadow Realms, the company’s 4v1 multiplayer RPG. Aside from the expected elevator pitch for the title, the interview also includes some elaboration on the character’s classes,…

Gauntlet Video Preview

GameSpot has published a video preview/let’s play of Arrowhead Game Studios and Warner Bros. remake of Gauntlet, which is releasing next week. Given that the game is arguably intended to be played in co-op by four players, this is a…

Dragon Age: Inquisition Video Preview

GameInformer has published a video preview for Dragon Age: Inquisition, based on the hands-on time editors Joe Juba and Kimberley Wallace had with the game at BioWare Edmonton’s headquarters. The video lasts about 10 minutes and includes some footage of…

Against the Cult of Simplicity

Telepath Tactics’ developer Craig Stern has written an opinion piece on his official website, designed to counter the arguments supporting a nigh-hegemonic design trend in the indie space (and not only there): the belief that all games should be focused…

Transistor: Postmodernism Celebrated

Maik Biekart published an interesting essay on the “Care and Play” blog, in which he argues that the key to Supergiant Games’ story-driven action-RPG Transistor’s storyline is the struggle between modernism and postmodernism. The thesis clearly resonated with the developers,…