

Shadowrun Setting for January Kickstarter Teased

The folks at Harebrained Schemes have pushed out another brief post-funding update for Shadowrun Returns’ Kickstarter campaign, with which they tease the setting they mean to use for the new Shadowrun campaign they’ll attempt to fund with a Kickstarter in…

Pillars of Eternity Backer Beta v392 Released

Just in time for the Christmas holidays, Obsidian Entertainment has released a new backer beta build of Pillars of Eternity on Steam. So far only the Windows version of the build is available, though producer Brandon Adler promised the Mac…

Lords of Xulima RPS Early Impressions

Given the game barely received any press attention after its release, it’s worth to point out this early impressions article from Rock, Paper, Shotgun on Lords of Xulima, in which John Walker paints a pretty favorable picture of the turn-based…

The Banner Saga Narrative Design Interview

IndieGameSource has published a short but dense interview with The Banner Saga’s lead writer Drew McGee, which understandably focuses on the narrative choices made for the original title and their repercussions on the upcoming two sequels. There are very significant…

Last-gen Revisited: Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

If this analyis from Eurogamer’s Digital Foundry is to be believed, Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor’s PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions are a disaster the likes of which we have rarely seen in the age of multiplatform game development. We…