

Lords of Xulima Physical Rewards Update

Numantian Games has finally updated Lords of Xulima’s backers on the status of the game’s physical rewards. Apparently finding a company to partner with took a while and production had to be delayed, but now everything seems ready to go. The DVD…

Jay Barnson on Movement in Old-School RPGs

The research he is currently doing on the original Might and Magic: Book One – Secret of the Inner Sanctum inspired Frayed Knights developer Jay Barnson to type a blog post on movement mechanics in first-person old-school role-playing games. Legend…

Lords of the Fallen Post-Mortem

Gamasutra has published a Lords of the Fallen post-mortem penned by director Jan Klose and technical director Thorsten Lange, which candidly goes over what went right and wrong during the development of the title. It’s an interesting read and should…

Windwalkers Kickstarter Campaign Based on French Sci-fi Novel

French studio Forge Animation has launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for the videogame part of a larger transmedia initiative they’re calling “Windwalkers”, based on sci-fi/fantasy novel “La Horde du Contrevent” from Alain Damasio. The project, which is described rather vaguely…

Dragon Age: Inquisition “Creating the World” Video

BioWare has put out another promotional behind the scenes video for Dragon Age: Inquisition, in which GameSpot’s video producer Lucy James interviews lead environment artist Ben McGrath on the process of creating and populating Dragon Age: Inquisition’s environments:

Sword Coast Legends Announced

In case you were wondering what the ex-BioWare people at N-Space were working on, today you have your answer: a new Dungeons & Dragons licensed title, subtitled Sword Coast Legends. According to the official website, the game is set in…