

Zombasite Monster Profiles

Soldak Entertainment has been publishing some profiles on the monsters that players will have to fend in Zombasite, their upcoming zombies-meet-fantasy action-RPG, in the vein of their previous systems-driven titles, like Depths of Peril and Drox Operative. I highly recommend…

Dark Souls III Combat is Influenced by Bloodborne

The folks at GamesRadar have posted an excerpt from EDGE’s recent preview of Dark Souls III, published on the latest issue of the magazine. While the series will continue to be distinct from its PlayStation-exclusive Victorian cousin, it does sound…

The Banner Saga 2 Previews

I finally had the time to round up a batch of previews for The Banner Saga 2, the sequel to last years’ Kickstarter-funded tactical turn-based RPG from Stoic Studios. Almost all of the pieces are hands-on previews that were penned…

Fail Forward: Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex: Human Revolution was the subject of an episode of “Fail Forward”, a video series by Rock, Paper, Shotgun that analyzes “interesting failures” in videogames. In the video, Marsh Davies argues that Human Revolution fails in making stealth interesting…

Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut Video Interview

inXile’s Chris Keenan has been interviewed by the folks at GameReactor, and had the chance to talk about  Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut and the atmosphere at the studio right now. Keenan talked about the new additions to the Director’s Cut,…