Val Hull

Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Class Design Overview

This official Blizzard Entertainment developer post outlines the class design changes coming to World of Warcraft in its next Battle for Azeroth expansion. In short, that the developers will focus on making each class feel unique and more specialized, which…

Age of Conan: Saga of Zath Server Open

Action-RPGs like Path of Exile and Diablo III have been utilizing the limited-time Challenge Leagues and Seasons that feature unique mechanics and rewards for a while now, and it looks like it’s time for MMOs to follow in their stead.…

Underworld Ascendant Update – PAX South Recap & Cabirus Preview

The latest developer update for Underworld Ascendant, Otherside Entertainment’s upcoming successor to Ultima Underworld, directs us towards the recently released fresh batch of Underworld Ascendant gameplay footage and press coverage, and introduces us to the spirit of Cabirus, the game’s…

The Banner Saga 3 “Fasolt, The Loyalist” Trailer

Without much fanfare, the team at Stoic Studio released a new promotional video for The Banner Saga 3 that tells us a few things about Fasolt, one of the recurring Varl characters who may or may not become an antagonist…

Rune: Ragnarok Pre-Alpha Trailer

Would you like to see a bunch of mighty Norse warriors sail their longboats, ride dragons, and fight ferocious beasts, rampaging giants, and even gods themselves? Well, if that’s the case, the new Pre-Alpha trailer for Human Head Studios’ upcoming…

Phoenix Point – Julian Gollop Q&A

Snapshot Games’ Julian Gollop has recently participated in a live Q&A session on Facebook, where he answered plenty of Phoenix Point-related questions. And if you head on over to the game’s website, you’ll find the VOD and the text-based summary…

BattleTech Preview

So far, most of the previews for Harebrained Schemes’ upcoming BattleTech focused on that game’s tactical turn-based layer. The latest one from PC Gamer, however, also offers some insights into BattleTech’s broader strategic layer where you’ll be commanding and upgrading…