Val Hull

Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

Knights of the Chalice 2 – Pre-Kickstarter Update

Heroic Fantasy Games is just about ready to launch a Kickstarter campaign for their upcoming Dungeons & Dragons-inspired RPG Knights of the Chalice II. As a result, we get this development update that shares plenty of promotional KotC II-related links…

Axis & Allies Online Announced

The developers over at Beamdog have announced their next project – Axis & Allies Online, a digital adaptation of Larry Harris’ classic World War II-themed board game. The game should be launching into Steam Early Access soon, and already you…

Encased Update #30 – White Swan Station

A brand new Kickstarter update for Dark Crystal Games’ upcoming post-apocalyptic RPG Encased shares a few bits of lore about the White Swan station – a dense quest hub packed with high-level gear. The update also shares a general status…

Wasteland 3 Overview

InXile Entertainment’s post-apocalyptic RPG Wasteland 3 is currently slated for a Q4 2019 release. And since, if you think about it, a year can fly by pretty fast, you may be interested in checking out this PC Gamer article that…

Steven Peeler Interview – Soldak Entertainment

Steven Peeler, the founder of Soldak Entertainment who’s currently working on Din’s Legacy, a dynamically evolving action-RPG, recently had a chat with RPGWatch. And while the resulting interview mostly revolves around Zombasite, one of Soldak’s earlier titles, it also mentions…

System Shock Remastered Edition Update #52

Last month, Nightdive Studios brought us an art preview video for their remastered edition of the original System Shock. And now, this month’s update clarifies a few things about that video and shares plenty of new work in progress screenshots…

Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones Preview

The folks over at PC Gamer recently had a chance to check out a playable build of Cultic Games’ upcoming Lovecraftian RPG Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones. As a result, we can now check out their hands-on preview of…

Anthem Launch Trailer

Anthem, BioWare’s next big project, is currently slated for a February 22, 2019 release. And if you’d like to get in the proper mood for some jetpack-propelled looting and shooting, you can already check out the game’s official flashy and…

Dauntless Interview

Phoenix Labs’ co-operative action-RPG Dauntless is currently going through open beta, and if everything goes according to plan, the game should see a full release on the Epic Games store, consoles, and mobile devices later this year. With that in…