Val Hull

Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

Gamedec Update #39 – Backer Build and Special Deal

Anshar Studios will be launching the backer beta for their cyberpunk detective RPG Gamedec shortly, and as such, we get this Kickstarter update dedicated primarily to beta access. It also highlights a special offer for Gamedec’s backers – an exclusive…

Fallout 76 Update – Fortifying ATLAS and QuakeCon Details

Fortifying ATLAS is the new community event coming to Bethesda’s multiplayer survival RPG Fallout 76 with the next update. The event will have you delivering supplies to the ATLAS Observatory in return for some unique rewards. This development update for…

Anthem Development Update – Loot & Equipment Goals

BioWare keeps tinkering with their co-operative shooter with RPG elements Anthem behind the scenes, and as a result we get this development update that outlines the latest changes to the game’s loot system. By the looks of it, the main…

Necromunda: Underhive Wars – Environments Preview

The latest developer blog for Rogue Factor’s Necromunda: Underhive Wars focuses entirely on the game’s maps and environments. According to the blog, the game will feature a total of 26 unique maps ranging from tight arenas to sprawling vertical complexes.…

Starpoint Gemini 3 – Summer News and Price Change

Little Green Men Games is currently working on a big early access update for their spaceship RPG Starpoint Gemini 3. This update will introduce playable capital ships, add the remaining story missions, and overhaul the game’s AI. And with that…

Battle Brothers: Blazing Deserts Developer Preview, Part 2

Following last week’s developer preview that showcased some of the new features coming to Battle Brothers with the Blazing Deserts expansion on August 13, 2020, we now get a new video preview that this time around focuses on the expansion’s…

Cyberpunk 2077 – Fake Beta Scam Warning

I think it should go without saying that you should never expect a beta invite if you didn’t actively sign up for said beta. However, just to be on the safe side, you should probably be aware that lately people…