Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.
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SWTOR: Your questions answered

The new Star Wars MMO ‘Star Wars: The Old Republic’ opened its gates to the early access players  this week. Being an adult  has filled my days with… well, adulty type things? Although I have played over two beta-weekends and this…

Kreativ Blogger Award and More About Me

Robin Hawke has bestowed upon me the honour of the Kreativ Blogger Award. Robin was helpful to me during NaNo, and I continue to follow her (not in a stalker way of course) and read her many six-word and three…

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Elder Scrolls V Skyrim – Top 10 Questions

Since I wrote my review post on Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls V Skyrim, I have hits from a number of people asking various questions. So purely out of the kindness of my heart I have taken the top most asked questions…

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Fable III: Info Chunks and Rant Nuggets

Seeing as most of the people died in my first playthrough of Fable III, and I wanted to actually play a murderous, thieving asshole rather than the goody-goody of my first run, add to that a sprinkling of knee-jerk reactions about the…

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Search Terms, How did you find me?

I came across this blog and they had taken 10 interesting search terms that had taken people to their blog and then they had written a bit about those queries and sent them to the right place. I figured that this…