Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

Bot Colony Kickstarter

Occasionally something gets spat into my email inbox that genuinely interests me. Something that has usually got an element of science or genuine discovery in there. It’s been a while, in fact I think the last thing that fired my…

Breaking into Roriks

Skyrim Adventures : Part 7 Feeling Homesick

This is part 7 of Skyrim Adventures featuring my khajiit thief, Kally. To find out more click the ‘Skyrim Adventures‘ link. Part 6 A Whole New World   Part 7 Feeling Homesick Kally didn’t like the situation he was in.…

Realm of Shadows expansion released for Arcane Legends

Realm of Shadows is the latest expansion for Spacetime Games’ popular mobile MMO, Arcane Legends. Realm of Shadows introduces you to the sorcerer’s homeland, Shuyal and reveals its history as well as bringing in a whole load of new items…

Through the portal

Skyrim Adventures : Part 6 A Whole New World

This is part 6 of Skyrim Adventures featuring my khajiit thief, Kally. To find out more click the ‘Skyrim Adventures‘ link. Part 5 The Depths Part 6 A Whole New World Kally stepped out of the pale blue, swirling portal.…

Stony Creek Cove

Skyrim Adventures : Part 5 The Depths

This is part 5 of Skyrim Adventures featuring my khajiit thief, Kally. To find out more click the ‘Skyrim Adventures‘ link in the header bar. Part 4 This Job’s a Steal Part 5 The Depths Kally walked away from the…

Skyrim Adventures : Part 4 This Jobs a Steal

This is part 4 of Skyrim Adventures featuring my khajiit thief, Kally. To find out more click the ‘Skyrim Adventures‘ link in the header bar. Part 3 The Ratways Part 4 This Jobs a Steal Kally started to think that…

Skyrim Adventures : Part 3 The Ratways

This is part 3 of Skyrim Adventures featuring my Khajiit thief, Kally. To find out more click the ‘Skyrim Adventures‘ link in the header bar. Part 2 Back to Square One Part 3 The Ratways Kally stepped off the cart…

Skyrim Adventures : Part 2 Back to Square One

This is the second part of Skyrim Adventures. To find out more click here or on the Skyrim Adventures link in the header menu. Part 1 Waking up in Solitude Part 2 Back to Square One ‘Raident Raiment’ Kally read…