Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

PAX South to hit Texas

If you’re somewhere around Texas at the start of 2015 you might want to drop into PAX South, the latest festival brainchild of Reedpop and Penny Arcade. Penny Arcade is one of the largest communities of gamers you can find…

Beta Testing Video Games : The Four Don’ts

The Elder Scrolls online beta test, probably one of the last ones there’ll be for ESO, seeing as it’s released at the start of April, took place last weekend. Though I didn’t really take part in this one, I’ve taken…

Jungle Rumble Logo

Jungle Rumble Mobile Monkey Drumming Madness

Are you a fan of rhythm games? I’m very much on the musical fence. Like every other video game genre there are those that are done well, like the guitar hero franchise and those that we’re not done so well,…

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Galaxy Run is Getting Bigger

You may remember that a few weeks ago I wrote this Galaxy Run review post, a mobile runner game for the iOS. Sorry all you Android owners, its only iOS at the moment. Anyway, the point being, the developers behind…

Skyrim Stealth Attack Meme

This is just a little Skyrim meme that I created. It ain’t much I know but worthy of a titter I guess. I think there should be something where enemies won’t just go back to do what they are doing…

Peer Pressure meme

Can Peer Pressure be Positive?

Today’s pressure related topic for NaBloPoMo is about whether peer pressure can be positive, and once more I refer to the Wikipedia definition . “Peer pressure is influence that a peer group, observers or individual exerts that encourages others to…

NaBloPoMo Day 5 Never Swimming Against the Tide

I’ve been looking over today’s NaBloPoMo prompt for a time now. I expected inspiration to run up and head-butt me on the nose and shout at me some magic words of inspiration that I could write this post about. No…

Peer Pressure or Jumping Off a Bridge

Today’s NaBloPoMo prompt is. “Tell us about a time you bent to peer pressure” I can’t think of any better example than the first time I smoked a cigarette. “Peer pressure, the influence that a peer group, observers or individual…

List Writing

Effective List Writing – NaBloPoMo Day 3

This month is NaBloPoMo or National Blog Posting Month. Though, unlike the novel-writing a similar name, NaBloPoMo seems to happen every month. My blog posting has been down recently, and NaBloPoMo may just be the way to increase the number…

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New Years Resolutions for Writing 2014

It’s customary at the turning of the New Year to look back and reflect on the previous year; look at what went well and what didn’t go so well and make some sort of plan for the upcoming year. In…