Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

Windward Released on Steam

Windward is now out. I know what you’re thinking, what? No pre-amble, no length prologue about how I covered Windward both here and here. Well, apparently, just a wee, little prologue then. Well, Tasharan Entertainment have stuck to their promises…

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Through the Woods: Survival Horror

I haven’t played many survival horror games recently. I played the hell out of Silent Hill and Silent Hill 2 as well as the first three Resident Evils. Since then, things have kinda tailed off. Maybe, I’m waiting for the…

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GameLoading: Rise of the Indies

GameLoading: Rise of the Indies, a Kickstarter-funded documentary that explores the rapidly growing indie community, was released a few days ago. I know, I know. Where was I a few days ago? Well, erm, I was…. Shut up alright. I…

Windward Released May 12th

A couple of months ago, I wrote this post to tell you about Windward, Tasharen Entertainments action sandbox game set on the dangerous and considerably wet, high seas. Well, this is just to let you know that Windward is due to…

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MomoCon 2015 Opens in Atlanta in May

Last year I posted, fairly briefly about MomoCon 2014. You can find the post here if you wanted to refresh your knowledge. Well, seeing it’s now 2015, it’s time to talk about MomoCon 2015, and some of the stuff that…

It’s My ZergID Party, and I’ll Cry if Want to

You’ve probably heard me mention ZergID before. There has been the odd press release I’ve posted about. Well, in short it’s a rather fast growing social network for MMO and MMPORG gamers. It was designed to help make grouping and…

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Simpsons Tapped Out Juggler Swarm

You think Springfield is a good place to live? All those buildings you’ve put down and streets you’ve laid in Simpsons Tapped Out are safe? Well, beware the jugglers people, they swarm…   Simpsons Tapped Out Juggler swarm

Windward Setting Sail in Q2

I have never played a boat or ship related computer game. Of course they have featured in huge amounts of games, but never as the main part. How did I avoid them for so long? It’s probably because out of…

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Nebulous, Space Puzzle Madness

Imagine if you will, if you cross Mouse Trap (The board game of course not the Agatha Christie Murder) with space travel. It’s a difficult combination to imagine I know, but that Namazu Studios have managed it, and squashed it…

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Mekazoo, Animal Platform Romp Heading your Way

Hands up if you remember a game called The Lost Vikings? Well you should. After all it’s a classic. Well The Lost Vikings was a Super Nintendo game released in the early nineties. The premise being that you had three…