Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

Starr Mazer Halloween Boss Rush

Well, Halloween is nearly upon us and Imagos Softworks and Pixeljam Games, the Indie development teams behind  Starr Mazer DSP are well into the Halloween spirit with their latest update. Starr Mazer DSP is a side-scrolling shoot-em up, with a…

Spellsworn Header Image

Spellsworn Arena PvP Game Interview

Frogsong Studios is just about to release the latest update to Spellsworn their Online PvP Arena game, that smashed its way through Steam greenlight and is now barging its way through Early Access. Although for once, I’m not going to…

Ginger Beyond the Crystal Indie Shout Out

Ginger Beyond the Crystal Indie Shout Out

GINGER IS READY: ARE YOU? You may think that crystals are fairly innocuous. They’re kind of pretty and sparkly, and if you believe in Crystal Healing they can kinda make you feel better too. You wouldn’t think that they could…

Zombie Roshambo Indie Shout Out Header

Zombie Roshambo iOS Indie Shout Out

Imagine if one day you woke up and discovered that all your friends have been turned into hideous zombies. Imagine, how alone and scared you might be. Right, and now imagine that the only way you can truly defeat the…

Most Dissapointing video games header

The Top 5 Disappointing Video Games

I can get fairly excited about video games. Sometimes I’m watching an E4 demo or a trailer and suddenly my mind is a whir with all the awesome things that the game is going to do and what a fantastic…

Top Ten Annoying Video Game Levels Header

Top Ten Annoyingly Difficult Video Game Levels

Over the three decades I’ve been playing video games, I have played through a great variety of levels of varying difficulty. Some levels have been so easy I wondered what the point of them was, a vast proportion got them…

What I Want in Mass Effect Andromeda

What I Want in Mass Effect Andromeda

Last night I spotted Mass Effect 3 sitting dormant in my Steam library, and through all the pain and disappointment that the game still manages to impart on me (Different coloured endings, my arse) I still couldn’t help thinking how…

Crypt Cards Indie Shout Out Header

Crypt Cards Indie Shout Out

When you play an online card game there isn’t usually much in the way of customisation. You’re generally stuck with how the game’s developers wanted things to be. The cards look how they want them to and they work how…

Overwatch Play Figures Examined

I’ve recently taken a look at the Overwatch play figures for all the heroes, that are handily gathered on masteroverwatch.com. Well, as a stat-nerd I am in hog’s-heaven with all that data After all, looking at numbers is kinda what…

Symmetra Changes to Hit PTR Header

Symmetra Changes to Hit Overwatch PTR

For those familiar with Blizzard Entertainments First Person Shooter Overwatch, having the ability to heal is a much sought after skill as far as support goes. Symmetra is the only support character to not have any healing skills, and as…