

Borderlands 3 Fl4k Build Guide

Borderlands 3 Fl4K Build – High DPS

This FL4K build focuses on maximizing your damage per second (DPS). You’ll be able to put out maximum damage, with a ton of critical hits too. Overall, you should be cutting your way through the enemy like a knife through…

Cyberpunk 2077 Artificially Extend Gameplay

Cyberpunk 2077 Has Been Delayed To September

It seems the delays just wont end. This week alone we’ve previously had 2 huge games delayed. Marvel’s Avengers and Final fantasy 7 Remake. Now by far the biggest Cyberpunk 2077, is a game fans all around the world were…

turbine looking to produce lotro console version

Turbine Looking to Produce LotRO Console Version

Turbine is looking to produce a console version of the Lord of the Rings Online. The developer is searching for console developers and already has rights to produce a Lord of the Rings MMO on consoles. Even though MMO’s have…

deus ex interview with warren spector

Deus Ex: Interview with Warren Spector

This is an interview with Warren Spector, then director/producer of Deus Ex, archived here for posterity and that was originally published on DeusExGaming.com, a domain that we own. 1. What is the current situation with the Deus Ex level editor;…