

Josh Sawyer on Historical RPG Project, Save-Scumming, and More

Obsidian Entertainment’s Josh Sawyer continues to crank out answers to community-submitted questions over on his Tumblr page, with the latest topics including the mechanics in Fallout: New Vegas used to deter “save-scumming”, whether he’d consider licensing Ars Magica or Darklands…

Sir-tech/Wizardry Interview

There’s an interview with Sir-tech co-founder Robert Woodhead up on 4Gamer, and while the entire feature is in Japanese, the folks over at RPG Codex took the time to translate it in its entirety. The article spans a number of…

Conan Exiles Concept Art

Funcom has published three separate rounds of concept art to the Conan Exiles Facebook page, with this latest eye candy depicting some of the weapons we’ll be wielding in the forthcoming, open world, and action-heavy RPG. Included among them are…

Ultima I and Ultima II Video Retrospectives

Slegnor’s Random Gaming has published a total of thirteen videos to their YouTube channel, in which host Neil Graham takes us through several hours’ worth of gameplay in the RPG classics Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness and Ultima…

System Shock 2016 KS Update #6, $937,636 and Counting

With the $900,000 funding goal now reached, the sixth update to Nightdive Studios’ System Shock Kickstarter campaign sees CEO Stephen Kick celebrating the occasion by taking a quick look back at their humble beginnings and thanking the fans for getting…

IGN’s Top 10 Dungeon Crawlers of All Time

It’s difficult for me to wrap my mind around a “top” list that spans an arcade game, roguelikes, JRPGs, and CRPGs, but I suppose when the focus is on “dungeon crawlers”, you inevitably open things up to interpretation. Such is…

The March Toward Legion

As we continue to “march toward” Blizzard Entertainment’s launch of their highly anticipated World of Warcraft: Legion expansion pack, the team has taken to Battle.net in order to talk about their pre-expansion patch plans, and what both owners and non-owners…

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Previews

We hadn’t yet rounded up any E3-based previews for Warhorse Studios’ Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and since there are still some spilling onto the Internet, it seems like a good time to right the wrong. PlayStation Universe: Nonetheless, PSU managed to…