

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Series Relaunched

Earlier today, Activision delivered on their promise to re-release Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC (again). You can pick them up in singular fashion (here and ) or as a…

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Previews

News of various outlets doling out coverage for Eidos Montreal’s Deus Ex: Mankind Divided continues to flow into our inbox and into our browser tabs, so it’s only right for us to crank out another round-up of previews and other…

Grim Dawn Grim Misadventures #100

I’m fairly confident that we’ve covered every “Grim Misadventures” feature that has been posted for Grim Dawn, so it’s something of a milestone for both us and the team at Crate Entertainment as we point you over to installment #100.…

Bludgeons & Krakens Released

We appear to have missed the release of Cannibal Cat Software’s Bludgeons & Krakens earlier this month, but given its roots in the classic fantasy CRPGs of yesteryear, I wanted to make sure we at least brought it to your…

Wizardry Chronicle English Translation Now Available

Hey, this is cool. The obscure Japanese-exclusive RPG Wizardry Chronicle has been translated to English by a handful of hardcore fans, with the most recent v0.98b release of the translation package considered feature complete outside of “class abbreviations for stats & item…

The Elder Scrolls Online: Shadows of the Hist Interview

MMORPG.com had the opportunity to chat with an unnamed developer at ZeniMax Online about their Shadows of the Hist expansion to The Elder Scrolls Online, with a particular focus on the new style parlor being added to the game and…

Ignoring the Main Objective in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

After proposing a question like “How much fun can you have while ignoring your main objective?”, GamesRadar sets the stage for our curiosity to run rampant before we dive into their hands-on preview of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. A sampling of…