

Venetica and WARTILE Now Available on GOG

If you’re in the mood for some DRM-free gaming this weekend, you should know that two of Deck13’s role-playing/strategy titles – Venetica and WARTILE – are now available on CD Projekt’s GOG service. What’s more, they’re currently 75% and 50%…

Borderlands 3 Previews

Gearbox has been showing off their next Borderlands installment to various gaming outlets, and that has led to a couple of preliminary previews this weekend. First up is PC Gamer with your standard editorial on how the game plays and…

GB Feature: Dungeons & Desktops Second Edition Review

After delving into the depths of Matt Barton’s Dungeons & Desktops: The History of Role-Playing Games – Second Edition, we’ve taken the time to offer up a two-page critique of what you should expect from the nostalgia-filled book. First of…

Baldur’s Gate III Video Interview and Editorials

The weekend brings us some more Baldur’s Gate III information to sink our teeth into, as we’ve been treated to a new video interview and a few additional editorials. We begin with the video interview on D&D Beyond, which features…

GB Feature: Tower of Time Review

Our latest critique takes us into real-time-with-pause and party-based CRPG territory, as we’ve just published a full three-page review of Event Horizon’s 2018 offering, Tower of Time. A couple of paragraphs to give you a sense of what to expect:…

A History of Isometric CRPGs Video Series

We’ve stumbled upon a new “A History of Isometric CRPGs” video series on YouTube, which currently offers seven installments that focus on Fallout (episode 1), Fallout 2 (episode 2), Baldur’s Gate (episode 3), Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear (episode 3.5),…

Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls Coming to PC Next Week

Having brought nearly 8 years of entertainment to PlayStation owners, the team at XSEED Games is preparing to release their party-based RPG Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls to PC – along with all of its DLC, via Steam and Humble…

Dungeons & Dragons Online: Masterminds of Sharn Released

Standing Stone Games ushered in the fourth expansion pack for Dungeons & Dragons Online today, officially taking us and our characters to Sharn, the City of Towers. The add-on includes 17 new adventures, a new adventure zone (The Cogs), minor…