

Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues Interview

The lion’s share of this new interview with Portalarium’s Richard Garriott on Cultured Vultures focuses on the forthcoming Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues, but the veteran designer also tackles a few questions about the Ultima series, his time with…

Original Deus Ex Design Document Surfaces

Remember when we told you about Eurogamer’s “The Deleted Scenes of Deus Ex” article way back in 2013, which featured excerpts from a design document for Ion Storm’s original FPS/RPG? Well, it appears that the design document itself – along…

Skullstone Revealed

Eye of the Beholder, Dungeon Master, Stonekeep, Legend of Grimrock. All of these dungeon-crawling series invoke some fond memories from me, so I’m always interested in checking out any titles that follow a similar design and refer to these classics…

Tyranny Reviews

The weekend has brought us several more reviews for Obsidian Entertainment’s newly released Tyranny, with a majority of them painting the role-playing game in a positive light. GameSpot gives it an 8/10: Evil may be banal, but Tyranny is not.…

BioWare Still Interested in a Jade Empire Sequel

We’re quickly approaching twelve years since the original Jade Empire was released back in April of 2005, and over those years, BioWare has shared a handful of teasers indicating that they’re interested in – and have even began work on…

The Dwarves “Meet Boindil” Video

KING Art Games’ forthcoming RPG The Dwarves will feature a total of fifteen different playable characters, and through the availability of a new “hero spotlight” video series, the team is giving us a chance to get to know some of…

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor PS4 Pro Launch Trailer

Monolith’s well-received action RPG Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is one of the launch titles for Sony’s new PlayStation 4 Pro platform, and to help celebrate the availability of another Game of the Year release, they’ve fired over a 92-second launch…

The History of Chrono Trigger

It’s been quite a while since we caught glimpse of a Chrono Trigger retrospective on the web, but today we’re able to end that drought by sharing a new nine-minute, history-focused retrospective video for Squaresoft’s fondly remembered RPG on The…