

Crowfall “Massive Reveal” Video Series, Parts One and Two

The veteran team over at ArtCraft Entertainment cranked out a press release earlier today announcing the availability of a new “Massive Reveal” video series for their highly anticipated MMORPG, Crowfall. The initial two videos in the series are available, with…

Is Kickstarter for Video Games Dead?

Eurogamer took it upon themselves to launch “an investigation” into whether Kickstarter for video games has fizzled over time. They point to the downward trend of funds being pledged for video games on the service, while also chatting with inXile’s…

The Surge Released, Reviews

While we haven’t yet received a press release, this announcement on Steam ushers in the availability of The Surge on the digital download platform. Deck13’s action RPG is already garnering a lot of favorable user reviews on its profile page,…

Deadly Sins of CRPG Design

The Digital Antiquarian has editorialized about the “Deadly Sins of CRPG Design”, using a considerable number of examples from a variety of classic CRPGs to help illustrate their points. In addition to calling out well-known failures like rat-killing and impossible…

AKARUUK on Steam Greenlight, Alpha Gameplay Video

The one-man team over at Happy Pony Land will be sending us back in time a full 35+ years in CRPG design when they release the capital letter-infused and Ultima-inspired AKARUUK sometime next year. The game is up on Steam…

The Surge Launch Trailer

With only four days to go until Focus Home and Deck13’s The Surge is upon us, the team has fired over a new launch trailer for the action RPG set in a futuristic, dystopian world. The trailer weighs in at…

A Modest History of the Desktop Dungeon

While a good portion of the article is devoted to Planescape: Torment and its recently released Enhanced Edition, this “A Modest History of the Desktop Dungeon” feature in the latest Dragon+ issue covers a variety of Dungeons & Dragons-based and…

The Murderous History of Mimics

Having dealt with mimics for so many years across Dungeons & Dragons tabletop campaigns, D&D-based video games like Baldur’s Gate and DDO, the Ultima series, and more recent titles such as Dark Souls, I suppose it only makes sense that…

Ravenloft: Strahd’s Possession Retrospective Review

The role-playing game enthusiasts over at CRPG Revisited have been spending a good amount of time with SSI’s classic Ravenloft: Strahd’s Possession, and have cranked out the first four entries in a multi-part retrospective review. Part One is something of…

Fallout: A Postmortem GDC Presentation

The one and only Tim Cain did a presentation at the 2012 Game Developers Conference about the three-year development cycle on the original Fallout (starting in 1994), covering such topics as their initial plans to base it on the GURPS…