

Heart of Winter MP3

RPGDot has posted up the first of two MP3s from Heart of Winter – the theme from Burial Isle. You can download it by clicking here.

MMO.GameZNet.com Grand Opening

JC Smith of GameZNet dropped us an email letting us know that they have opened a brand new site devoted to the various released and upcoming Massive Multiplayer Online Games at MMO.GameZNet.com. Along with this new site, they have added…

Black & White Preview

Online Game Review has posted up an extensive 26-page preview of the upcoming “be-a-god” game, Black & White. Here’s an excerpt: One of the core concepts to the game is that everything morphs to reflect the way in which the…

Wizardry 8: Designing Monsters

Here’s an important aspect of any game, any genre: building things you fight. Well, I suppose in my favorite genre there aren’t, per se, things that you fight. Video Uno. But hey, most of them. RPGVault posted (bulletin board style)…

Horizons Underwater Race Additions

In the game that seems as if it’s trying to have it all (not a bad thing but certainly one of the hardest things to do), the MMORPG Horizons by Artifact Entertainment now has plans to add two new playable…

First Shots of Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance

Planet PS2 has posted up a whole slew of screenshots for the upcoming Playstation 2 game from Black Isle Studios, Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance. I don’t play many console games anymore these days, but this game (which looks absolutely insane)…

AO Media Blitz

Anarchy Online should be the next major MMORPG to make it to retail and the European site Spelletjesgarnaal (spell what? <g>) made two movies of the game for our anticipatory media-fulfillment, one coming in at 16 meg and the other…

Wizardry VIII Screen Snips

While the press release version of the surprisingly-good-looking-RPG-after-all-this-time Wizardry 8 is making the rounds, game sites are busily adding pixel captures to their repertoire. The latest snips come from RPGVault and number in the low teens. Behold Wizardry 8.

Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter Shipping

Great news, Icewind Dale fans! According to the following press release, Black Isle Studios’ Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter expansion pack is headed to a retail store near you: IRVINE, Calif., Feb. 20 /PRNewswire/ — Black Isle Studios, the role-playing…

Star Wars Galaxies FAQ Update

With so many MMORPG’s on the horizon, it’s going to be tough to decide which game to throw your money and free time at in the next couple of years. Think you have enough time for two of them? That’s…