

Anarchy Online All Over

We look over to our left and see PC.ign, the site that was able to sneak a few hours into the recent beta of the MMORPG taking the testers for a sci-fi spin, Anarchy Online. The long page preview, typical…

Black & White Complete – Preview

To celebrate the fact that Peter Molyneux’s humble game Black & White has been sent in for review to be GOLD, Raily Dadar whipped up a little preview to tide us over till BW-day. Here’s a slice on the difference…

Polished Wizardry 8 Preview

I’ll start this Wizardry 8 newsbit off with a quote: I would say that this is the first game ever to properly model the monster commonly known as a “slime”. Wiz 8’s slimes look like they’re made of jelly; they…

Horizons Bits of Q & A

The Horizons Vault now has yesterday’s brief Q & A with Artifact Entertainment slammed up at their site (seriously, they slammed it rotten, yeah). A glimpse: Is it possible to be a pirate in Horizons? Will there be supply shipments…

Physics of Black & White

I think it’s safe to assume that Lionhead Studios won’t be making the same mistake with Black & White that was made with Trespasser. If you remember (and I know most of you are still trying to forget), that game…

Anarchy Online 3rd Movie

The euro-site Spelletjesgarnaal <fumbles with the pronunciation> released a third movie of Anarchy Online, the science fiction MMORPG by Funcom. I haven’t seen it yet but it’s also 16 megs, like the first and I believe it has something to…

Phantasy Star Online Can Compete

I thought I’d post this since some of the computer-only users get a little bent out of shape with regards to anything console related… turning their noses up at consoles. GameSpy just did a nice job in explaining why the…

Heart of Winter MP3 #2

RPGDot has posted up another MP3 for Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter, this time from farther within the expansion. You can download it by clicking here.

Dark Age of Camelot Panorama

The Crossroads of Camelot has posted up a panoramic view of Cotswold, one of the starting cities in Dark Age of Camelot. Basically, it allows you to get a good view of the town and its inhabitants. Head on over…

Warcraft III Info Nugget Hailstorm

The Unofficial FAQ for Blizzard’s next masterpiece, the strategic (with a bit of roleplay) game Warcraft III has been heavily updated over at WarcraftIII.net. You’ll find they updated around 20 of the questions. And, at the very same site, somebody…