

Daily Update

New equipment and spells to feast upon! Updated Pages: Axes (includes Young Rage), Bastard & Broad Swords (includes The Blade of Bael), Leather Armor (includes Shark Skin and Coral Armor and a location for the Studded Leather +2), Long Swords…

Lots More

Here’s another batch of equipment and spells from Heart of Winter… Remember to submit your questions for Interplay and keep sending in walkthrough updates and strategies to make this Icewind Dale section as comprehensive as possible. Updated Pages: Amulets (includes…

Question of the Day

If any of you have visited our Pool of Radiance area, you have probably seen Flagg’s Question of the Day feature, where a question is asked of Garret Graham each day and the answer posted on GameBanshee. It’s a great…

Twelve new screenshots of Shadowbane released!

The shots come from across the waters, courtesy of this German site. Includes are some nice looks at a mountain top and a shot of a very bright female Irekie. Its not much, but a little more for us to…

It’s Official – Expansion Pack to BG2!

The largest and most polished single player RPG to come out in years (as if I need to say which… even if it weren’t mentioned in the header) is getting an expansion! Its name is BG2: Throne of Bhaal and…

Anarchy Online’s Combat

This won’t take but a minute and is an interesting read if you’re interested in MMORPG’s, aren’t in the beta for the sci-fi Anarchy Online, itching for more about the game or simply feeling curious. The betatester “Valen” from AOVault…

Dungeon Siege Supplementary Interview

I’m still in awe over yesterdays’s nest of Dungeon Siege pictures, but the DSVault also posted an informative interview about the progress of this isometric RPG-with-action with lead designer Chris Taylor. A shaving about monster loot: Q: If I’m facing…

Star Wars Galaxies 4th Race Recognized

Verant has now revealed the fourth Star Wars Galaxies playable race and it may not be what you were expecting. It certainly was a surprise to me, though admittedly if I had read as much Star Wars lore as many…

Heart of Winter Chat Log

Straight from our suddenly very popular Icewind Dale Sanctuary, take it Buck! Lucian, one of our dedicated viewers, has pointed out that Planet Baldur’s Gate has posted up an official Heart of Winter chat log from GameSpy Arcade. Now, I…

Wizardry 8 Enrichment

You’ll find this piece of news refreshing if your thirst for Wizardry 8 information is, like mine, unending. GamesDomain plopped up a page’s length preview of this massive-looking stat happy RPG by Sirtech Canada set in complete 3D. A sprinkling:…