

Item Locations

Omar, one of our viewers, sent in a couple of item locations… Updated Pages: Edged Weapons (includes a location for the Mad Splinter), Rings (includes a location for Deionarra’s Wedding Ring)

Lore Galore, a New Camelot Site

Here’s a new twist on the normal game site. Being that the MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot is based on legend, a website that has all of the history you’d want for Arthurian, Norse and Celtic lore has sprung up.…

Shadowbane Contest

Want to win an MP3 player? Here’s an email I received today: Shadowbane Player ContestWin An MP3 Player! The Syndicate, in celebration of its 5th Anniversary, is proud to announce special contest for the gaming community. Thanks to Rio, The…

New NWN Screenshot

GameSpy has posted up a brand new exclusive screenshot from Neverwinter Nights, depicting one of the many spells in the game being cast. Check it out right here.

Dark Age of Camelot Beta signup today!

The folks over at Mythic have opened the list for phase 3 of their MMORPG, Dark Age of Camelot. Today is the only day that the list will be open, so if you are a fan of this genre and…

It’s Been a Long Time, Berk

Welcome to GameBanshee’s newest (yet one of the oldest) featured game, Planescape: Torment. Here you’ll find equipment, NPC, spell, and tattoo listings, as well as a walkthrough (I’m currently working on the walkthrough now). I have many, many locations posted…

New Featured Game: Planescape Torment

Yes, I realize that Planescape: Torment has been out for quite some time, but I felt that GameBanshee really needed to provide coverage for the game. I have actually covered this game extensively before, back in its prime, over at…

New Featured Game: Planescape Torment

Yes, I realize that Planescape: Torment has been out for quite some time, but I felt that GameBanshee really needed to provide coverage for the game. I have actually covered this game extensively before, back in its prime, over at…

New Featured Game: Planescape Torment

Yes, I realize that Planescape: Torment has been out for quite some time, but I felt that GameBanshee really needed to provide coverage for the game. I have actually covered this game extensively before, back in its prime, over at…