

Prestige Classes Again

Gamer once again asks for official prestige classes: BioWare: I was reading the recent chat log from Stratics and would like to make suggestion on implementation of Prestige Classes with in NWN. (I realize they will not be in the…


Gamer asks about the issues regarding character/npc movement: I heard the quote that movement rate will be the same for all PC’s. Does this mean that in combat a light armored gnome fighter will have the same speed as a…

More on Point Buy

Gamer asks about a 4d6 system: I know the Point Buy method is the default character generation method (which I like), but I’m also curious if BioWare will include the 4d6 rolling method for DM’s who choose to use this…

TORN Preview

PC.IGN has the latest preview of the RPG in development by Black Isle Studios, TORN. The preview is quite lengthy and gives a good rundown of what the game is going to encompass: Since this is a fantasy game and…

More Dark Age of Camelot Goodness

In more Camelot news, RPGVault has posted up a slew of screenshots from the new realm of Midgard. If you aren’t in the DAoC beta, you’ll wish you were when you see these pics.

DAoC Beta Journal Update

Camelot Vault has posted up their newest Dark Age of Camelot beta journal, this being the first one written about the new realm of Midgard.

Neverwinter Nights Interview

The guys over at Stomped have posted up a chat with Rob Bartel, the co-designer of the upcoming RPG from BioWare, Neverwinter Nights. They discuss many of BioWare’s ambitious plans for the game, starting off with how they came up…

ToB Developer Profile & Chat Log

RPGVault has posted up another “Developer Profile”, this time of Kevin Martens, the lead designer of the upcoming expansion for Baldur’s Gate II, Throne of Bhaal. Here’s one facet of the profile: Jonric: What are the best and worst parts…

Another Fan Site

I received this email from Athion, the moderator of a new fan site for Dark Age of Camelot: Gamez.com () is pleased to announce the launch of its newest game site, Camelot.gamez.com (). Our site provides users with news, previews,…

Help With Equipment Locations

Even though I’ve posted up a whole slew of equipment locations, we still have quite a few that are still unknown. If any of you know the location to any of these items, please email us and we’ll post it…