

Throne of Bhaal Item of the Week

PC.IGN has posted up another item from Throne of Bhaal, this time of a regenerating spear that spikes enemies to the ground called Ixil’s Spike. You can find the item, as well as a few screenshots of ToB by clicking…

Anarchy Online Beta Impressions

In more Anarchy Online news, RPGVault has posted up their first impressions of the game’s beta test. Here’s a little bit to get you started: Before taking a look around – there’s a handy mini-map function to help navigate, I…

Anarchy Online Screens

The German site Gildenweb has even more screenshots of Anarchy Online today. You can start viewing them by clicking here.

Poll Closed

As you can see, I have closed the poll. I figure almost 5000 votes from fans from each of the various games should represent a pretty good idea of what’s going to dethrone EverQuest. Here are the final tallies, in…

Heart of Winter Patch

I saw over on Interplay’s official Icewind Dale site that they have released a patch for Heart of Winter. You can download the patch by clicking here. I’ve posted a list of all the fixes in our Icewind Dale area.

Heart of Winter Patch!

I saw over on Interplay’s official Icewind Dale site that they have released a patch for Heart of Winter. You can download the patch by clicking here. Here’s a list of fixes: VERSION 1.41 – HEART OF WINTER Patch GENERAL–…

Another Update

I’ve posted up another form of the Entropic Blade that I had forgotten about, as well as more walkthrough tweaks. Enjoy. Updated Pages: Edged Weapons (includes the Entropic Blade (Edged)), Walkthrough (includes updates to the Buried Village [area 6], Northeast…

Timegate Studios Interview

Stratos Group has posted up an interview with the producer and designer (Adel Chaveleh and Steve Hemmesch, respectively) behind Timegate Studios’ strategy game, Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns. Here’s one of the questions ran past Steve: SG: What, exactly, was your part…

Lotsa Locations

Thanks to various viewers answering my plea for help on item locations, I’ve updated quite a few of them. We still have several unknown yet, though, so make sure to email us any that you might know. Updated Pages: Crossbow…

HOMM IV Interview

Not technically an RPG but that’s never stopped me from posting an informative bit on another genre. One that I feel supports a lot of the hidden closet-types of gamers, and which nevertheless is truly loved by many is the…