

Jeremy Soule Interview

RPGVault has posted up an interview with Jeremy Soule, the composer whose works include Icewind Dale, Heart of Winter, Dungeon Siege, and many more. Here’s a quick take: Jonric: Was there anything that particularly attracted you toward composing for games,…

DAoC Beta Journal

A Dark Age of Camelot beta journal has been posted up over at BetaBites. The article contains a few comparisons to other MMORPGs, as well as details about both beta 2 and the recently opened beta 3. Here’s a bit…

Interplay @ E3

I read over at RPGDot that the German site Turtled.com has posted up a listing of what Interplay has in store for their E3 display this year. Man, I wish I could be there to see their presentations. Check it…

Interplay @ E3

I read over at RPGDot that the German site Turtled.com has posted up a listing of what Interplay has in store for their E3 display this year. Man, I wish I could be there to see their presentations. Check it…

Mimesis Online Screen Dips

Haven’t heard of Mimesis Online yet? It’s an MMORPG in an intriguing post-cataclysmic earth setting… here are some quite beautiful shots from the game from RPGVault. Still, you’re probably wondering what the game is really about. So take a look,…

EverCrack New Addiction in the Works

Well, it’s almost official! For those of you who have joined in the EverQuest craze or who would like to, there’s going to be more incentive coming up with a new expansion pack! EQ Casters Realm has this announcement: Rumors…

Its Monday – Shadowbane weekly update.

This update is fairly lengthy, so lets get started… The first phase of beta has finished. Warden made a post in which he let us all know Phase 1 is done and after a few fixes, they’re ready for Phase…

Walkthrough Update & Item Location

I’ve posted up 5 more locations to our walkthrough this evening. While doing the Weeping Stone Catacombs walkthrough, I stumbled upon the location of the Tears of Sorrow, so I have added its location as well. Updated Pages: Walkthrough (includes…

Icasaracht Strategy

Tonight, I have posted up another viewer-submitted strategy for defeating Icasaracht. Updated Pages: Strategy Guides (includes an Icasaracht strategy)

Fallen Age Preview

Thundolfe from Fallen Age Stratics has posted up a preview of the MMORPG, based upon his first impressions of actually playing the game. Here’s an excerpt talking about PvP combat: PvP (which is turned off until level 30) is consensual,…