

Interview With Richard Garriot

RPGDot has had the opportunity to interview Richard Garriot, the creator of the legendary Ultima games. The interview provides information on what Garriot’s plans are now, and what games he will create within his new project, now that he’s no…

Fallen Age First Impression

JC Smith over at GameZNet has posted up his initial impressions of Fallen Age, based on his excursions in the beta test. Here’s a quick take: When we evaluate new software it is often easiest for us to relate it…

Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor Magic Defined

Wizards of the Coast lifted up the sofa cushions of their website only to discover a gem of an interview with Chuck Yager about the Magic System in Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. Here’s some polish: And what…

TORN – The Future of RPGs? An Interview…

I’ll let this quote introduce the newsbit… IGNPC: Do you think 3D is the future of RPG gaming? What about online RPG gaming? David Maldonado, Lead Designer from Black Isle Studios: I suppose so – in both cases – though…

Article on Wizards of the Coast

Wizards of the Coast have updated their website with the continuation of the monthly feature on Pool of Radiance. This months article written by Chuck Yager deals with the magic in the game. Here is a short piece of the…

Local copy of the Bestiary updated

I was a bit slow this week on updating our local version of Shadowbane’s Bestiary but I updated it tonight. The new mobs are:GrondulkarMammoths Timber WolvesSand Trolls Enjoy – here is your link.

EQ Expansion Interview

Right after the official word that EverQuest is getting another expansion, GameSpot has posted up an interview with Verant’s Jeff Butler, talking about what exactly Shadows of Luclin will offer to EQ players. Here’s an excerpt: GS: In general, what’s…

The Walkthrough Continues

Tonight I have posted up 5 more locations to our ever-growing Planescape: Torment walkthrough. As always, please let us know if you see that we missed anything. Enjoy. Updated Pages: Walkthrough (includes the Dead Nations, Nameless One’s Tomb, Pharod’s Court,…

EQ to Release New Expansion Confirmed

The most successful and addictive MMORPG of them all, the name of which escapes me at the moment, is about ready to launch an expansion pack named Shadows of Luclin, introducing a new race, of course new zones and tons…

Anarchy Online Preview & Shots

Two bits for the slick MMORPG set in a sci-fi world. First, there’s a positively positive AO preview over at ComputerGamesOnline. It’s one of those long-page jobbies so get your scroll fingers working. Here’s a nip (and read below for…