

Elven Male Model

AE has realeased an ingame model of an Elven Male Caster. Also they have released an animation of that Elven Male Caster.

More EQ Expansion Eye Candy

XGR.com has the latest screenshots of the recently announced expansion for EverQuest, Shadows of Luclin. There are only five of them, but they definitely look good. Check ’em out here.

Diablo II Patch, Expansion Screen

Some D2 related info coming atcha. First, that ferociously annoying-as-heck duping problem seems to be fixed for the most part in DiabloII on the closed battle.net realms… yes, for the past month people have found a way to duplicate items…

EverQuest Expansion Quirky Quickscans

Why is it that a majority of the screenshots taken from EverQuest for the use in previews and just plain old show seem to be of the weirdest things, strange positions, etc.? I believe there’s somewhat of an art to…

Throne o’ Bhaal Interview with Designer

The venerable RPG news site RPGVault presents an inviting interview with David Gaider, senior designer working on the expansion pack to BG2, Throne of Bhaal. It mainly discusses what life is like for a designer at a renowned RPG development…

Throne o’ Bhaal Interview with Designer

The venerable RPG news site RPGVault presents an inviting interview with David Gaider, senior designer working on the expansion pack to BG2, Throne of Bhaal. It mainly discusses what life is like for a designer at a renowned RPG development…

Three Walkthrough Locations & Item Location

I’ve posted up some of the more lengthy walkthrough locations this evening, including the Lower Ward and the Great Foundry. Hopefully I have all of the quests tracked down and noted, but if you see something missing, be sure to…

Shadowbane.FR now Shadowbane.EU

This letter showed up in my box today In the light of the opening of both the English and German sections,Shadowbane.FR will no longer be called Shadowbane.FR, we will instead beknown as “Shadowbane.EU” and with this change we hope to…

GameBanshee’s Baldur’s Gate Site Overhaul

To bring our Baldur’s Gate section up to par, I have updated much of the information we had, and have added a lot more we didn’t have. It’s really a major overhaul, so I encourage each of you to head…

Major Overhaul

Well, over the last couple of days (in between PS:T walkthroughs), I have overhauled much of our Baldur’s Gate area. First, I’ve went through all of our equipment. I added a whole slew of items that we were missing, many…