

TORN Dev Diary Volume 2

There’s another volume of the TORN Developer Diary over on GameSpy, posted by Brian Mitsoda of Black Isle Studios. A snippet to follow: As I am currently writing characters for E3 (which will someday become the TORN demo), I’d thought…

Arcanum Music Interview

RPGDot has posted an interview with Ben Houge, Sierra’s in-house composer for their upcoming RPG Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura. Here’s a taste: RPGDot: What is your favourite project so far and why? Ben Houge: Arcanum has probably been…

Why Can’t Players Control a Party

Why not parties like the BG series? Why can’t modules be created where one player can import or create an entire party? Like Icewind Dale? …not only is the game designed to scale in difficulty dynamically based on the “power”…

CD Key Security

Gamer asks about ‘banning by cd key’: I was just wondering what kind of protection is likely to be in place for our cd keys? Please correct me if I’m wrong with my assumption. We all know that a DM…

Mimesis Online Diary

One of the more recent entrances into the MMORPG development market is Tannhauser Gate Studio’s Mimesis Online. Not much is known about the game as of yet, except that it has a cool logo and even cooler premise. There are…

Age of Wonders 2: A Graphical High

It’s not technically an RPG but it’s close enough, and by virtue of the game’s graphical splendor gains an entrance pass to this newsbit. To put it mildly, the turned-based sequel Age of Wonders 2’s 2D graphics are so good…

New Dungeon Siege Website

Gozpel, the webmaster of a new Dungeon Siege website called “Dungeon Siege Down Under”, dropped us an email letting us know his website is officially live. You can find the website right here.

Day 2

Today marks day two of the week of updates. This time it is more information portaled through the FAQ. Guilds are detailed this time around. Including Guild Types. Lots of good nuggets of information located in these two sections. Not…

New HoW Expansion Pack Screenies

Four new screenshots from the upcoming downloadable expansion pack for Heart of Winter have been posted up on RPGVault. They’re actually posted in their daily news, but you can click the links below to be brought to each screenshot’s page:…

Dark Age of Camelot Preview

IGN PC has posted up a preview of Mythic Entertainment’s MMORPG, Dark Age of Camelot. Here’s an excerpt: Any way that you decide to go, you’ll have the opportunity to gain experience by completing some simple quests as well as…