

E3 Progress Reports

The Adrenaline Vault has posted up several progress reports from the expo currently underway, E3. The reports feature several games, including the RPGs: Throne of Bhaal, Dungeon Siege, and Morrowind.

Horizons Developer Journal

Voodoo Extreme has posted their second installment of a Developer Journal from Artifact Entertainment, creators of the upcoming MMORPG Horizons. The journal addresses various questions that fans have been asking due to Artifact’s partnership with NCSoft: Q) Why would NCsoft…

Throne of Bhaal Gallery

RPGVault has posted up an assortment of screenshots from Interplay’s press release of Throne of Bhaal, the upcoming Baldur’s Gate II expansion pack. Give them a look by clicking here.

E3 Humongo Game List

With plenty of major RPG’s at the Expo this year such as Neverwinter Nights, Morrowind, Anarchy Online, Pool of Radiance, Dungeon Siege, TORN, Throne of Bhaal, Lord of Destruction, Might & Magic MCMXCVIII and many more, GameSpot.uk was kind enough…

Xbox Oddworld Screens

Nope, it’s not in any way RPG related… oh what am I saying yes it is. You see, the dreamy graphics on the Xbox are something you can fantasize will someday be attached to your favorite RPG, such as these…

Warcraft III Giganto Preview

Easily one of the most colorful games in development and for some reason this is exactly the way I picture this game… Blizzard’s threequel Warcraft III is looking better than… well, it’s getting the spit and polish it deserves. PCgameplay…

Horizons Website Update

The official Horizons website has updated their models section with a revised version of the Orc, as well as an animation.

Nibble one last time

The morsel of choice today is Guild Halls. Included are some very nice renderings of the various guild halls as well as a short descriptive paragraph. Along with this announcement is the promise of a huge update tomorrow, to mark…

Richard Garriot Article

GameSpy has also posted up an article based upon an interview with Richard Garriot about his new venture, Destination Games. The article contains some good history about Lord British, as well as where he plans to take his company towards…

Throne of Bhaal Screenshots

4Players.de, a German gaming site, has posted up 40 screenshots from Interplay’s recent preview release of Throne of Bhaal. You can find all the new images right here.