

Why The Temple of Elemental Evil is the Most D&D Game Ever Made

Although they admit that it’s not the “best” Dungeons & Dragons-based CRPG ever created (Planescape: Torment carries that distinction), PC Gamer has editorialized about why they think Troika’s second game was “the most D&D game ever made”. I’m on the…

Grim Dawn v1.0.1.0 Patch Released

In preparation for the action RPG’s expansion pack later this year, Crate Entertainment has debuted a substantial new v1.0.1.0 update for Grim Dawn, providing two more helmets for Loyality Upgrade owners and many “quality of life” enhancements that prepare the…

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Update #14, $504,524 and Counting

Pathfinder: Kingmaker has surpassed its $500,000 funding goal, and the team at Owlcat Games has cranked out a fourteenth update to the game’s Kickstarter campaign in celebration. Beyond just celebrating, though, they also bring word of a $600,000 stretch goal…

Anthem E3 2017 Reception, Start of “A Ten-Year Journey”

While I’ll be reserving judgment on the game until it’s closer to launch, there are many people across the globe that have sounded off on BioWare’s latest title and its accompanying E3 2017 announcement. And considering that EA wants it…

Werewolf: The Apocalypse Previews and Interview

Focus Home and Cyanide were busy showcasing their upcoming tabletop-based CRPG Werewolf: The Apocalypse at this year’s E3, and that has led to the availability of two new previews and an interview with Cyanide’s own Julien Desourteaux. We begin with…

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Update #11, Characters and Animation Video

There’s an eleventh update to the Pathfinder: Kingmaker Kickstarter campaign, with this latest entry focusing on the RPG’s characters and associated animations. The text is limited to a single paragraph, but there’s a detailed, six-minute video of technical director Alexey…

SpellForce 3 E3 2017 Coverage and Beta Access

Reading descriptions like “the genre mixer inspired by Baldur’s Gate” continues to raise my interest level in THQ Nordic’s SpellForce 3 as I take in the E3 2017 coverage for the RTS/RPG crossbreed. We begin with a two-and-a-half-minute video featuring…