

Pool of Radiance Newsbits

UbiSoft’s Pool of Radiance received some press today, with the website EuroGamer posting up 10 new E3 screenshots from the game. Not only that, but the game’s associate producer, Chuck Yager, has written an article on the Wizards of the…

New Poll

Well, the “most anticipated RPG” poll has ran for quite awhile, so we’ve closed it down and posted up another one, written by the one and only Applebrown. The results from the last poll are: Arcanum – 5%BG2: ToB –…

Jedi Knight II

Easily one of my favorite games of all time, along with its father and IMO just barely slightly better Dark Forces (relatively speaking), Jedi Knight is finally getting a sequel. It’s being developed by Raven Software and GameSpy released a

Warcraft III E-Cubed Warbits

For those that remember, when the Super Nintendo came out, the game that everyone was talking about (besides Super Mario World) was F-Zero… mainly because of its “mode-7” scaling. How does this relate to Blizzard’s gem-to-be, Warcraft III? The screenshots…

Economics 101 & Capitalism

And you thought it was finals time! Get out your notebooks because it is time you learned about Economics. Nothing ground breaking here but it shows the level of detail WolfPack is putting into Shadowbane. I don’t recall Ultima Online…

E3 Coverage @ RPGDot

RPGDot is featuring Day 1 of their E3 coverage, covering games such as Dark Age of Camelot, Dungeon Siege, Diablo II Expansion, Arcanum, Throne of Darkness, and Freedom Force.

E3 Coverage @ RPGDot

RPGDot is featuring Day 1 of their E3 coverage, covering games such as Dark Age of Camelot, Dungeon Siege, Diablo II Expansion, Arcanum, Throne of Darkness, and Freedom Force.

Dungeon Siege Trailer

The guys over at GameSpot are offering a 47 second trailer download of Gas Powered Games’ upcoming RPG, Dungeon Siege. The trailer is approximately 8.4 MB in size and supports different streaming speeds. You can find it right

ToB Developer Profile

RPGVault has posted up yet another Throne of Bhaal developer profile, this time of Tony de Waal, lead animator on the Baldur’s Gate II expansion. Here’s a taste: Jonric: What would you rate as the best and worst parts of…