

Baldur’s Gate III Possibility

Well Rounded Entertainment posted up some interesting news that they learned at E3 that Interplay may be working on Baldur’s Gate III and that it will be in 3D this time, instead of using the old Infinity Engine we’ve all…

Baldur’s Gate III Possibility

Well Rounded Entertainment posted up some interesting news that they learned at E3 that Interplay may be working on Baldur’s Gate III and that it will be in 3D this time, instead of using the old Infinity Engine we’ve all…

More E3 Previews @ FiringSquad

FiringSquad posted up their E3 reviews, including both Neverwinter Nights and Throne of Bhaal. Here’s a clip from their Neverwinter Nights preview: Click on an enemy that you place, and you can edit his stats, abilities, name, items, looks and…

More E3 Previews @ FiringSquad

FiringSquad posted up their E3 reviews, including both Neverwinter Nights and Throne of Bhaal. Here’s a clip from their Neverwinter Nights preview: Click on an enemy that you place, and you can edit his stats, abilities, name, items, looks and…

Another interview

Scot “Skarz” Blinn was interviewed by VoodooExtreme, check that out Here. I want to thank Tuvarin from the boards for finding it 🙂

GameBanshee Feature: Throne of Bhaal Preview

I’m pleased to announce that we’ve posted up a two-page preview of Throne of Bhaal, based upon Interplay’s press release version of the expansion. The preview includes four brand new screenshots as well. Here’s an excerpt: However, along with more…

City of Camelot Screenshots

You’ll find the latest screenshots of Dark Age of Camelot over at RPGDot where they’ve posted 19 new screenshots from the beta, showing impressions of the City of Camelot.

Voodoo Extreme Goodness

Voodoo Extreme posted up a whole slew of new screenshots from E3, including shots from Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal, TORN, Neverwinter Nights, and Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance.

Voodoo Extreme Goodness

Voodoo Extreme posted up a whole slew of new screenshots from E3, including shots from Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal, TORN, Neverwinter Nights, and Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance.