

Neverwinter Nights E3 Preview

Neverwinter Vault brings us an extremely elaborate preview of BioWare’s upcoming Neverwinter Nights today. The preview is based upon their recent trip to E3 and includes an overview, slide show, screenshots, trailers, wallpaper, and even a way to get your…

Throne of Bhaal Movie & Interview

E3Coverage.com has posted up a Baldurs Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal movie, which includes a demo and an interview with the producer, Alan Miranda. You can view the movie at 56k here, or at high speed here.

E3 RPG Feature Part Two

Enfused.com’s second part of their E3 RPG feature has been posted up, giving a good rundown of Dungeon Siege. Check it out: You can have up to 8 members in your party, including pack mules (down from 10 in earlier…

Morrowind Preview

GameSpot has yet another E3 preview posted up, this time of Bethesda Softworks’ upcoming Morrowind, third of the largely popular Elder Scrolls series. A small excerpt to follow: Some of the advanced effects featured in the game include realistic night-day…

Twisted Rune Solo

I have posted up a viewer-submitted strategy this evening on soloing through the Twisted Rune encounter with a Sorcerer. Enjoy. Updated Pages: Strategy Guides (includes a Shangalar & the Twisted Rune strategy)

Two New Strategies

One of our viewers submitted a couple of strategies, one for the “Lots of Experience” category and one for the “Pickpocketed Items” category. Updated Pages: Strategy Guides (includes a Lots of Experience and a Pickpocketed Items strategy)

Dungeon Siege Quick Take

Intelligamer’s E3 coverage includes very little about RPGs, but they did mention Dungeon Siege and sounded pretty impressed with it. Here’s a direct rip: At first glance Dungeon Siege, developed by Gas Powered Games, looks a lot like yet another…

Interplay E3 Movies

Interplay has released most, if not all, of the movie trailers that they presented at E3 this year. Included in the bunch are trailers for Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal, Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance, Neverwinter Nights, and TORN. If…

Interplay E3 Movies

Interplay has released most, if not all, of the movie trailers that they presented at E3 this year. Included in the bunch are trailers for Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal, Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance, Neverwinter Nights, and TORN. If…

Shadowbane E3 movie on display

Gamespot has put up a version of the movie Wolfpack ran for Shadowbane at E3. I watched it late last night and download speeds were pretty poor, as was sound quality. Ashen Temper also stated they would have their own…