

Ultima The First Screenshots

The team that’s tackling the remaking of Ultima I released some new fine-looking screenshots. No monsters yet (just scenery) but it looks to be quite an improvement over the monochrome 4-shades-of-grey graphics of the original. =)

Chris Taylor Interview

I read over at Siege Works that the LA Times conducted an interview with Chris Taylor of Gas Powered Games about Dungeon Siege. There’s some pretty good information to be had, so it’s well worth a read. Here’s an excerpt:…

Neverwinter Screenshots

Over the last few days, RPGDot has added two batches of screenshots from BioWare’s upcoming RPG, Neverwinter Nights. You can find all of them by clicking here.

Throne of Bhaal Developer Diary

GameSpy has posted a fourth volume of their Throne of Bhaal Developer Diary, this time with comments from ToB’s line producer, Nathan Plewes. The discussion is about where ToB currently stands, how bugs are dealt with, and just how big…

Stratos Group’s Shadowbane E3 review

Yup, still more news from E3. The guys over at Stratos Group had a chance to talk with WolfPack at E3 and wrote up a short summary of their conversations. The Report is a pretty general overview of Shadowbane. It…

Final Best Of

Allright, having the big-three gaming sites is going to have to be good enough for one day’s “Best Of” news. Rounding out award coverage of this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo is GameSpy’s Best o’ E3 in all categories, both consoles,…

‘Nother Round of Best of E3

Personally I don’t get tired of reading these things, but then again, gaming is a big and very enjoyable part of my life. PC.ign offers up their Round Up of the Best PC Games of E3. A lot like the…

EverQuest to Increase Payment Options

Thought this an interesting newstrivit. EverQuest is turning into a very fat dragon indeed and they’re about to serve her up with another feast of subscribers. PC.ign is reporting that you’ll be able to buy a Game Card, already popular…

TORN Update

PC.ign nicely summarizes the E3 coverage of Black Isle Studios in-development RPG offshoot, TORN which borrows rules from the Fallout universe yet remains a 3D fantasy RPG. They were able to talk to the developers to get the latest info,…

GameSpot’s Top 20

They come in massive amounts two times every year – lists, comparisons, top games, previews and awards. The first time is the post-E3 roundup, where all the sites gather up their information and, er… regurgitate it in the form of…