

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting

Gamer asks about the implementation of the the forgotten realms campaigns setting: …I just bought the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting and I love it, it truly has some wonderful things in it for Neverwinter Nights and I’m pretty sure you…

Question on Armor and Clothing

Gamer asks about custom armor and skin textures: I remember that one of the demo (topics) mentioned a awesome chest tattoo. I was wondering if it is possible for your character to go shirtless(im meaning male characters), im thinking like…

More o’ Wind Short Take

It’s very short, but there’s a new glimpse of Morrowind, the RPG that’s looking unbelievable and supposedly due later this year (by Bethesda… keep that in mind). I won’t quote from it because that would be taking from its mass,…

Anarchy Online Screen Dollops

A set of very detailed pics of the new addictive game due later this month by Funcom, Anarchy Online, have been posted at EuroGamer.

Deus Ex 2 Preview

Many people considered the first an RPG. I’d have to agree in that respect, because though the game allowed for lots of action, most was, if you liked to play it this way, spent in subterfuge and in character with…

BioWare to team with Lucas Arts!

The Stratos Group has the low-down on this latest nugget of news. BioWare, makers of the Baldur’s Gate series, has joined with Lucas Arts to make a Star Wars game called – Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. A…

Exclusive TORN Screenshots

The russian website Freelancer was able to get their hands on four exclusive screenshots of Black Isle Studios’ upcoming 3D RPG, TORN. The screenshots are definitely worth a look, as they look better than any I’ve seen previously.

Dungeon Siege E3 Pics

The Siege Works was lucky enough to visit Gas Powered Games’ Dungeon Siege booth at E3 this year and have posted up several pictures from the booth itself, including pictures of the game in action.

New Camelot Website

Niblaar dropped us an email letting us know about a new website devoted to providing news and content for Dark Age of Camelot. Here’s what he had to say: Champions of Virtue and Niblaar, a member of the Champions of…

TORN Newsbits

Black Isle Studios’ official TORN website has been updated with a couple of news items. First, they mention volume three of the TORN developer diary that was posted up a couple of days ago over at GameSpy. Secondly, they’ve updated…