

New DAoC Screenshots

RPGDot has added an additional ten screenshots to their Dark Age of Camelot beta visuals.

Neverwinter E3 Video

Neverwinter Nights Vault has posted up a file (2.4 MB zipped) of an unplanned incident during one of BioWare’s E3 demo presentations. The incident includes a wandering deer following the party of characters as they enter a dungeon through a…

Morrowind Giant Preview

It’s not often that PC.ign posts these huge previews, ones that span many lengths of your vertical screen, but they have, and it’s a good one. They just previewed Morrowind, the RPG by Bethesda with hopes of being the most…

Black Isle’s Feargus Interview

Ever since hearing his name, I’ve wondered if that was his given name or a made up one. I believe it’s real; however, it does sound very D&Dish. =) Anyway, GamaSutra, the homepage for game industry vibes has posted an…

The boards are fixed!!! Maybe it’s true this time.

Today on the Horizons site, David Allen of AE posted this message: Hi everyone, our new web server is ready. This will fix the slow connections, and the “you are not authorized” errors. Since we’re moving servers, we have to…

ToB Elements of the Day Update

And in more Throne of Bhaal news, RPGVault has continued their Elements of the Day feature with two pieces of armor: the Paladin’s Bracers and Roranach’s Horn.

More being added to our local Shadowbane archives

I’m still catching up with the flood of E3 information release. Today I have finished up our Tradesmen section. I also updated the Screenshot area with the four new additions. They are available under the June 2001 link. I will…

DAoC Preview

RPGDot has the latest Dark Age of Camelot preview, based upon impressions of the game’s beta test currently running. Along with the preview, there are also four new screenshots. Here’s a taste: Another major complaint in MMORPG’s is death penalty.…

TORN Dev. Diary

Just like in the movies, games while in developement, get certain elements cut from the final game such as item graphics, levels, bits of story and characters. This developer diary from Team BlackIsle at GameSpy on the 3D RPG with…