

Anarchy Online Introduction

An excellent introduction to the MMORPG to be released by the end of next week, Anarchy Online, has been posted at MassiveMultiplayer.org (first of a five part series based upon his impressions with the latest beta). It’s lengthy, gives a…


Yesterday’s strategy update has spurred a whole bunch more submissions. Many thanks to those of you who continue to submit valuable strategies, I hope the rest of you enjoy them =). Updated Pages: Strategy Guides (includes two Defeating Dragons strategies,…

ToB Elements of the Day Update

The Throne of Bhaal Elements of the Day feature has been updated over at RPGVault. Today’s update includes more high-level abilities, this time for the mage class. Included are the additional level 6 spell ability, as well as the quest…

Dungeon Siege Movie

I read over at RPGVault that the Belgian site De Spelletjesgarnaal has made an E3 movie available that shows off Dungeon Siege in action.

Mini Previews of Gigantic RPG’s

I noticed over at Voodooextreme news of 4 new mini RPG previews at PCZone, covering four of the most well-known RPGs in development: Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor, Dungeon Siege, The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind and Arcanum: Of Steamworks…

Mini Previews of Gigantic RPGs

I noticed over at Voodooextreme news of 4 new mini RPG previews at PCZone, covering four of the most well-known RPGs in development: Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor, Dungeon Siege, The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind and Arcanum: Of Steamworks…

Strategy Updates

Today I have added a couple of new strategies, including a way to get two Amulets of Magic Resistance in the Cult of the Unseeing Eye quest, as well as another “Perfect Party”. Additionally, I have renamed our Strategy Guide…

Buildings added locally. Links updated

Whew, Well I have finally caught up on the E3 updates. The Buildings section is the last to go live. Notice the linkbar now has a link to the buildings section. Along with this update, I have added links between…

Throne of Bhaal Screenshots

With Throne of Bhaal now gold and making its way to store shelves very soon, RPGVault has given us another taste of the expansion with sixteen new screenshots.