

Late Night Update

Well, I’ve come to realize that the Oaken Ring wasn’t actually a useful item and was only a component for a higher item. Therefore, I’ve removed it from our rings listing. Since I’m making that change, I thought I would…

Horizons Music

MMORPG Network’s Horizons site has posted up three exclusive music scores from the upcoming game. You’ll find the three works in both Real Audio and MP3 format, either of which you can download right here.

Daily Update

Lotsa good information in this update, including more items for Cespenar to forge, two new walkthrough locations, and some additional equipment. Interestingly, two robes seemingly never existed in Shadows of Amn (legitimitely) – the Mage Robe of Electrical Resistance and…

James Jones Interview

Horizons HQ has conducted an interview with James Jones, one of the developers working on Artifact Entertainment’s upcoming MMORPG Horizons. The interview includes some of the more interesting aspects of the game’s mechanics. Here’s one of the questions: [HQ] What…

New Throne of Bhaal Patch

Good news for those of you with bugs in Throne of Bhaal, BioWare has made a new patch, where one notable fix is the correction of the erroneous backstab penalty for Assassins. You’ll find the new patch right here.

Voodoo Poll Ended

Just so you know the Voodoo poll ended and Horizons got 26% of the votes, not first like usual, but considering that Horizons has only just finished phase one, and that Shadowbane (who got first with 36%) is in beta,…

Neverwinter Scripting University

In preparation for those awesome Dungeon Master mods people will be making (after this course of course), the Neverwinter Vault has started an epic classroom for the scripting of events, nay, worlds! in BioWare’s upcoming creative RPG locomotive, Neverwinter Nights.

Dark Age o’ Camelot Time Phased Screens

The official site, DarkAgeofCamelot.com released 4 screens of Castle Camelot taken at different times of the day to show off their newly implemented dynamic colored lighting routines. On a tangent:I wonder how many of us have, in a game like…

Anarchy Online Massive Intro Cont’d

The drama that is enveloped within the MMORPG Anarchy Online is about to be introduced to us when the servers become live tomorrow and the game hits the shelves. Well, according to Voodooextreme, the game’s already reached some CompUSA’s. MassiveMultiplayer.org…

Wizardry 8 Preview

It’s been awhile since we’ve heard about Wizardry 8, but it looks like Well Rounded Entertainment has posted up a preview of the RPG, complete with some new screenshots. Here’s a taste: Most combat spells are area-effect and work better…