

Neverwinter Nights Scripting Features

Over the past couple of days, Neverwinter Vault has added a couple of new features to their site. First of all, they’ve added a second lesson to their NWN scripting course. Secondly, they now offer a script commands database to…

Neverwinter Nights Media

Belgian site De Spelletjesgarnaal has posted another streaming video, this time for Neverwinter Nights. The media features a half hour of gameplay footage and a toolset demonstration by Don Moar of BioWare.

Walkthrough & Equipment Update

I’m pretty sure I’ve added the last piece of equipment that Cespenar can forge today. If I missed anything, please let me know. Along with that, I have posted a couple more items and three walkthrough locations. Updated Pages: ToB…

Shadowbane Screenshots

Voodoo Extreme got their hands on four new screenshots (you’ll have to check Thursday’s news on their site to see ’em) from Wolfpack’s upcoming MMORPG, Shadowbane. To go along with the screenshots, there’s also a quote from Patrick “Varios” Blanton,…

DAoC Preview

RPGPlanet has the latest Dark Age of Camelot preview, which includes four new screenshots of the game’s beta. Here’s an excerpt: The first thing I discovered was the immense size of the world. No more mouse-cage zones to keep my…

Planet Dungeon Siege Opens

GameSpy has announced the opening of Planet Dungeon Siege, previously known as SiegeWorks. For their initial opening, they’ve posted a brand new screenshot of a Blue Drake in battle, as well as an interview with Neal Hallford, the man behind…

Big Update

Well, I’m happy to announce that the server migration went very well, and we are now finally able to post news. The message boards took me a bit longer than anticipated, but they have been moved and are working nonetheless.…

Throne of Bhaal Review

In addition to GameSpot’s, another Throne of Bhaal review has went up over at GameSpy, giving it 89/100 points and a comment of “The best expansion pack I’ve ever played, and a fitting end to the BG saga.”.

GameSpot Throne of Bhaal Feature

GameSpot has a gigantic Throne of Bhaal feature, including a review (even a streaming video version), cheat codes, and a walkthrough/FAQ by Dan Simpson. You can check it all out right here.

Yet More Equipment

Well folks, this will be the last update you’ll see on this server. As I type this, data is transferring to the new one. Once it’s done, it’s just a matter of some DNS changes and time. I will post…