

TORN Designer Diary

RPGVault has continued their TORN Designer Diary with the addition of Chapter 7 by Lead Designer Dave Maldonado. In it, Dave describes the area design process for the upcoming RPG.

Neal Hallford Interview Pt. 2

Planet Dungeon Siege has continued their interview with Neal Hallford today, adding several more questions to the first half posted a couple of days ago. An excerpt to follow: PDS: In which genre do you most enjoy writing? Neal Hallford:…

Feargus Urquhart Interview

Dragon’s Breath Forge has posted up an interview with Feargus Urquhart, Division Director at Black Isle Studios. In it, Feargus talks about the possibility of a future MMORPG, working with BioWare on future projects, and more. Here’s a taste: I’ve…

Feargus Urquhart Interview

Dragon’s Breath Forge has posted up an interview with Feargus Urquhart, Division Director at Black Isle Studios. In it, Feargus talks about the possibility of a future MMORPG, working with BioWare on future projects, and more. Here’s a taste: I’ve…

Morrowind Site Update

The official Morrowind website has been updated with lots of interesting content, including in-game models for several weapons. Check it out: We’ve added an Imperial wallpaper to our Downloads section, and info and in-game models for several weapon types in…

Architecture Comments.

Douglas ‘Dark Jedi’ Shuler recently commented on Elf and Dryad architecture and the differences between them. The Elven architecture has pretty much been built, and work is progressingon the Dryads even now. Some stuff has been modified from the FAQ…

Walkthrough update – Watcher’s Keep, level 4

Hello again, A lot of you have sent in e-mails asking when we would finish up Watcher’s Keep. Well, I’m a step closer with the addition of Level 4. Unfortunately my work schedule doesn’t leave a lot of time throughout…

Freedom Force Character Bios

A new article on IGN PC offers a brief look at several superheroes in Irrational Games’ Freedom Force, along with new screenshots and an origin movie. Here’s a snip about “Liberty Lad”: “Minuteman’s Shadow” and “The Squirt” are two of…

Eric Speier Interview and other goodies.

Eric Speier (Director of Music for Horizons) recently gave an interview to the guys over at MMORPG Network. Follow this link to check it out. Also, Douglas “Dark Jedi” Shuler had this to say concerning a heated debate about Shadowbane/Horizons…

DAoC Developer Profile

Camelot Vault has posted up a developer profile of Sanya Thomas, Mythic Entertainment’s new Internet Relations Manager for their upcoming MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot. Here’s a quick snippet: What are the best parts and the worst parts of your…